Mark Your Calendars! Exciting New Events Coming to Hunters Hill

Hunters Hill
Photo credit: Clothing Exchange

Looking for a little excitement this June? Hunters Hill and neighbouring areas are about to become hotspots for a slew of events. 

Henley Growers Market – June 19

Henley Green Market
Photo credit: The Happy Hens

From 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the 19th of June 2021, an artisan market hosted by the Happy Hens Social Enterprise will be held at the Henley Green Community Garden. Market-goers will be able to treat themselves to some fresh weekly produce from growers as well as some locally-made coffee and food. 

The event makes for a scenic way to shop, and many stalls from previous instances of the event will be returning to sell their goods once again. Aus Beverages offers a range of drinks including plain and flavoured mineral water, as well as a variety of fruit juices. Boomerang Bags, on the other hand, sells locally handmade shopping bags. 

Photo credit: Boomerang Bags

The Henley Growers Market can be found at the Henley Green Community Garden in 2A Crown St, Henley, and it will be open to any and all — free of charge. 

Sip & Swap – June 24

Sip & Swap at Hunters Hill
Photo credit: The Clothing Exchange

Hosted at the YARN is Sip & Swap, an exciting event  that gives Sydney residents the chance to update their wardrobes while simultaneously treating themselves to some light refreshments. Mounted by the Clothing Exchange, the event is scheduled to take place on the 24th of June 2021 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Here, event-goers will be able to swap their clothes in exchange for others, allowing them to change their wardrobes without growing them, helping people save money and space. People will also be able to meet like-minded locals and give their old clothes new homes.  

The Yarn is located at 64 Gladesville Rd, Hunters Hill. While the event is free, booking is mandatory. Those interested in taking part can contact the hosts at, or by calling them through his number: (02) 9879 9400.

Storytime – Wednesdays

Storytime at Hunters Hill
Photo credit: Hunter’s Hill Council

Every Wednesday, from 11:00 a.m. onwards, parents will be able to bring their children to the YARN, an innovative library and community space, for some exciting sessions of storytelling aimed at preschool-aged children and their carers. 

The YARN can be found at 64 Gladesville Rd, Hunters Hill, and these weekly sessions are open to anyone interested — no booking necessary.

Baby Bounce – Fridays

Baby Bounce at Hunters Hill
Photo credit: Hunter’s Hill Council

Much like the previous event, Baby Bounce is hosted at the YARN. This event has been scheduled to take place every Friday from 11:00 a.m. onwards. Parents will be able to bring their children to the library for some stories, songs and nursery rhymes. Unlike Storytime, this event caters to children between the ages of zero and two and their carers. 

The YARN can be found at 64 Gladesville Rd, Hunters Hill, and booking will not be required for this event.

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