Hunters Hill Council Imposes Solid Yellow Line Parking Restriction for 2019

The Hunters Hill Council has set new parking rules to be strictly implemented this 2019. Crucial roads in and around the suburbs have been marked with solid yellow lines to indicate a “no stopping zone.”

More areas with yellow lines will be added as the Council evaluates the parking situation. The restriction for some areas, however, may have specific hours where the no parking rule is in effect.

“During 2019 we will continue to mark areas with solid yellow line markings – this indicates a no stopping area,” as stated on the Council’s official Facebook page.

The Council is also reiterating the General Parking Rules that prohibit vehicles from stopping or parking at any time at these areas:

  • where there are driveways or footpaths
  • where there are pedestrian crossings and 20 metres thereof
  • on bus and taxi zones and 20 metres thereof
  • on motorways and clearways
  • on traffic island
  • on railroad level crossing and 20 metres thereof
  • in an intersection and 20 metres thereof, unless there is an actual parking sign
  • in a slip lane
  • within a meter near a fire hydrant
  • within 10 metres before and after a safety zone
  • within three metres of a post office box

You may download the General Parking Rules from the Council’s official site  for the complete information.

Hunters Hill Council Rangers issue the parking notices and tickets. Fines and disputes are settled with the State Debt Recovery Office.

Photo Credit: Hunters Hill Council

Residents may also apply for free non-transferrable parking permits with the Council to exclude them from the parking restrictions if they live at Clarkes Point Reserve and Buffalo Creek Reserve.